What Is Call Tracking and Why You Should Be Using It On All Your Marketing?
15 Oct 2014, by Blog inEducating yourself about SEO tactics, like Call Tracking, is one of the best things you can do for your growing business. We’re all told that advertisement is the key to conversions but it may feel like a waste of money if there isn’t any obvious proof as to how well your ads are performing. Many may think that keeping track of your ads is as simple as generating a report by the governing ad site or by Google analytics. These methods won’t always collect accurate information.
Here’s Why:
Suppose I wanted to do a web search for the best Atlanta SEO Company. I would see quite a few different listings, but what if I preferred a company in Sandy Springs and the results showed only one company located there? Without hesitation or actually clicking on the link, I may grab the number and call (yes, there are still a number of people who prefer to speak with a “live person”). How would you know which marketing tactic directed me to you?
Which leads to the next question…what is Call Tracking?
Essentially, Call Tracking allows you to find out which specific landing pages are generating the most leads for your company. As a bonus, it also offers a way to boost your quality assurance by listening to how well your customer service is representing your brand. The idea behind it is to create a different contact number for each individual ad space you have. You may choose to run a paid campaign on Facebook with one telephone number, but choose a different mode of contact for your billboard ad. In the end, you will have a precise assessment as to which platforms produced the most enquiries. Companies like Call Tracking Metrics and Call Source are great places to start if you’re interested in this wonderful tool.
Why should I use Call Tracking?
Suppose you gave someone $400 to purchase a pair of shoes for you. They bring you back a pair of poorly made, disposable flip-flops without a receipt and without any change. Certainly those flip-flops didn’t cost $400! Would you not feel swindled? The thing is you never sent instructions; you only informed them that you wanted shoes. No one in their right mind would do this, so why would you spend countless of dollars on advertisements without seeing the proper return of investment? Call Tracking allows you to “put your money where your ad is” (I know corny play on words). With this protocol, you know longer have to worry about wasting money on ads that aren’t performing to your standards and raise the budget for the ones that actually are. If you want to save thousands of dollars while simultaneously growing your business, you NEED Call Tracking, but if you want $400 disposable flip-flops, well that’s another story.